Monday, January 10, 2011


Not to be a Debbie Downer. But I absolutely do not like anything about the snow. (Other than the fact that it brings snow days.) There was talk all weekend about the snow and how we were going to get snow. I wasn't alarmed though, because we rarely ever get snow here. Goodness, was I ever wrong. Campus sent out the mass email and text yesterday around 6 calling off our first day back to classes! I was super excited because Monday and Wednesday are my long days. I went to bed last night with no snow and woke up this morning to massive amounts. Looking out my window, I can tell it's AT LEAST 6 inches. According to Facebook friends, there is 8 inches.

Speaking of Facebook friends, I just do not understand why people feel the need to address the obvious. As soon as I got the email about classes cancelled, I got on Facebook and there were seriously 10 statuses about how there was no school. Yes, EVERY student at UTC got the email. I don't see the need for half of those students to put it in a status. Just like with snow, everyone knows it's snowing, but there are statuses, wall posts, even pictures. Tell me something new Facebook friends.
Do you have friends like that? Friends that just drive you crazy via Facebook and make you wonder what they are thinking?

On a positive note, the snow is beautiful. I would post beautiful pictures for all to see, but I'm not getting out in that mess until I HAVE to.

Be safe everyone. Especially if you have as much snow as we do. :)

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